
Holsman Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, being a leading provider of rehabilitation services in the New Jersey Area, is proud to offer the following:

Pediatric Physical Therapy

We will make sure that every treatment to be given is tailor fitted to every child’s needs. Treatments may involve activities such as functional strengthening, stretching, sensory stimulation, reflex integration, balance training, functional mobility training, and positioning.
A PT treatment plan should also include a parent/caregiver training and home program so that skills will be carried over. PT’s may also prescribe plagiocephaly helmets, lower extremity braces, mobility equipment such as gait trainers and wheelchairs, and positioning equipment.

Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists assist pediatric clients in developing psychomotor efficiency when doing school-related tasks such as cutting, writing, gluing and self-care. Sessions can be held inside the home, within the community or inside the clinic of our PT’s.

Activities may involve stretching, positioning, functional strengthening, sensory stimulation, positioning and fine motor coordination. OT’s may also prescribe custom made equipment to enhance the quality of their services. Wheelchairs, extremity splints and positioning devices are all necessary to increase the independence of children when doing functional tasks.

Pediatric Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is all about restoring or fixing a child’s problems with regards to speech delays associated with congenital defects, injury or medical condition. Correcting speech problems as soon as possible is necessary to develop the poor self-esteem of children and remove their frustrations away.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Articulation and Motor Speech Disorders
  • Neurological Dysfunctions
  • Language Fluency
  • Craniofacial Abnormalities
  • Auditory Processing Disorders
  • Hearing Impairments
  • Voice Disorders
  • Feeding or Swallowing Issues
  • Literacy and Pre-Literacy Issues

Our services are the right mixture of expertise in the field, dedication, skill and attitude. We have a long line of professionals working with us to guarantee your achievement of recovery, wellness and other health-related goals

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For your questions and some more clarifications, you may contact us at 732-428-5566.

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