The ability to do self-care is as necessary as the ability to breathe and eat; for how can we be able to care for others if we have none for ourselves? Holsman Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation will assist you in the redemption of the skills you have lost due to injury through its team of occupational therapists.
An occupational therapist will work with individuals of all ages to promote independence, work, and leisure activities. Cases involved are orthopedic, neurological and any diagnosis which affects an individual’s ability to maximize his ability to perform every day activities. These include stroke, joint replacement, arthritis, and heart conditions.
Self-Care Evaluation and Training: A therapist will work with patients to teach techniques and the use of adaptive devices to improve a person’s ability in the areas of bathing, unhealthy grooming, dressing, feeding, getting in/out of bathtub, on/off toilet and all other patient specific self-care tasks
Homemaking Evaluation and Training: An OT will assess one’s ability to perform all homemaking tasks including cooking, cleaning, laundry, making bed etc. Training involves alternate ways of performing the tasks with possible adaptive equipment or home modifications.
Protection of Joints/Energy Conservation Technique Training: A therapist will work with a patient having heart ailment or other diagnosis which causes fatigue as well as the patient with arthritis to teach techniques that conserve energy and/or protect further damage to joints while performing every day activities.
Home Assessment: An occupational therapist can go into the home and suggest home modifications to enable one to function more independently and safely within their environment. This can include grab bars, ramps, adaptive equipment as well as simple safety techniques to prevent falls/danger in home.
Strengthening/Conditioning/Endurance: The therapist will work on individuals to maximize their overall strength to increase their ability to perform everyday tasks. This may include weights, therapeutic interventions as well as functional performance.
Transfer Training: An OT will teach a patient how to safely perform every daytransfers including getting in/out of tub, on/off toilet, in/out of bed, on/off a chair and in/out of a car.
Fine/Gross Motor Coordination: Therapy may involve the use of various tasks to increase a person’s coordination. Fine motor tasks include the use of small muscles, and gross motor skills include the use of larger muscles.
Hand Therapy: Therapist will work on all hand injuries, bone or brain problems that affect the use of the hands to restore maximum function. Therapy may involve splinting as well as specific techniques, modalities to restore function.
Functional Balance Training: An OT will address balance issues that interfere with a person’s ability to perform functional daily tasks adequately and safely.
Mental Skills/Perception: In Occupational therapy, a therapist will assess if there are cognitive or perceptual problems that interfere with the individual’s ability to perform everyday tasks. Interventions may include mental and perceptual retraining or teach compensatory techniques in order to function to one’s maximal potential.
Caregiver Training: A person may need assistance from a caregiver when he can no longer care for himself
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. An OT will train the caregiver proper techniques for transferring and working with the disabled safely while also protecting their own bodies.
Wellness and Recovery: A therapist will establish a proper program to promote wellness at home or in the clinic ,considering all of your specific needs such as effects of aging, medication, blood pressure, and other conditions that need to be considered.
Wheelchair Assessment: The Occupational Therapist will evaluate and make recommendations for getting an appropriate wheelchair to provide the individual with maximum comfort and functional ability.
For your questions and some more clarifications, you may contact us at 732-428-5566.